
Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.

In order to achieve one's personal development goals, he or she needs something by which they can determine the level of their own success. Some companies utilise performance evaluations based on a predetermined set of goals. Workers are then measured by whether they have succeeded in reaching those goals or not. We believe this isn't the best or most productive way to encourage your personal development. Instead, we prefer to offer appraisals.

What's the difference between an appraisal and evaluation? Where an evaluation measures your achievements against a predetermined set of goals, an appraisal is designed only to measure the value you bring to the company. The idea is that your value increases over time, just like the value of your home. You will automatically continue developing your skills and your career as long as your appraisals continue to show an increase in value. What's more, you will not have to allow your decisions and actions to be controlled by periodic performance evaluations.

Our appraisal schedule

We realise that our appraisal approach is not common in today's business world. We also recognise that not all new hires immediately do well in such an atmosphere. Therefore, we have developed an appraisal schedule designed to provide the most support during the first few months of employment. Our appraisal schedule is as follows:
  • at eight weeks of employment
  • at four months of employment
  • at six months of employment
  • every three months thereafter.
We believe this schedule is the best way to help new hires become accustomed to the way we do things. As they learn, grow, and develop, the appraisal ends up being more of a motivational tool than an instructional one. And this is our ultimate goal. We want each staff member to be motivated, by the value uncovered in his or her appraisal, to create even more value for the next one.

Value added success

If we are doing our job correctly as it relates to personal development, each team member will enjoy value added success. Simply put, he or she will be adding value to our own company as well as their own career development. That will equate to success at both the personal and professional level. And that is what we're shooting for.

We invite you to experience the freedom that comes with job appraisals that measure your value. It is an entirely different way of working ' an entirely different way of developing personally and professionally.

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