Personal development plan

At Nuttersons, we work very hard at fostering an environment that leads to personal development among every staff member. That is one of the reasons we have implemented appraisals instead of standard performance reviews. However, what good is an appraisal if our staff do not know what to do with the information afterward? Not much.

Because we believe so much in the personal development of our staff, we do not intend to leave you alone after an appraisal. Rather, we will help you create and implement a personal development plan enabling you to achieve greater value over the coming months. The idea here is to make sure the value you contribute goes up with each appraisal.

The personal development plan is aimed at taking advantage of your strengths and building upon them. Where there are weaknesses that can be corrected, the plan addresses them as well. Nevertheless, the point of the plan is not to try to force you to be someone you're not. It is designed to take advantage of what you do well and encourage you to do it better.

What a Plan Looks Like

One of the fundamental principles of our personal development philosophy is that each team member should be encouraged to create the career he or she wants. However, that means the personal development plan must be geared toward those career goals. Otherwise, the career the team member wants contradicts the career we want, in a scenario that just does not work.

Nuttersons is very comfortable with allowing each of our team members to pursue their own career goals, provided those goals enhance the value of our company and the services we provide. We look for innovative ways to help you make it happen, making them part of your personal development plan following each appraisal.

If you are tired of never knowing whether your career development is in line with your company's goals or not, you can change that by joining the Nuttersons team. We believe your career goals should be our career goals, to mutual benefit. In all likelihood, you have not experienced this before. We want you to experience it now.

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